Monday, November 15, 2010

Charles Rangel his Double Birth Order and why he won’t Step Down

Serving his 20th term in the House of Representatives (was just reelected) he is the fourth-
longest serving Democrat in the House. Chairman of numerous powerful committees he
exerts a lot of power. He now faces 13 counts of charges that he violated House rules.

He dropped out of school in 1947, sold shoes and drifted about until he enlisted in
the U.S.Army. It was in the army, stationed in Korea, that he showed his inner strength.
During the battle of Kunu-ri despite shrapnel wounds, he led 40 of his comrades for
three days behind enemy lines rather than surrender. After the army he went back to school and in record time completed a four year degree. In 1960 he obtained his Law Degree from St. John’s University.

Just who is Charles B. Rangel? Born June 11th 1930 in New York City to Blanche Mary
Wharton, she eloped with his father a Puerto Rican immigrant who was working as a
handyman for the Wharton family. Three years later when she was 19 years old Charles
older brother Ralph was born. It was seven years later that Charles was born but by then
his eldest brother had been taken to live with relatives and was rarely around. Frances his
sister was born three years later but would also be raised by relatives. The probable
reason for the children leaving the house was that his father was abusive and left the
family when Charles was six years old. Charles was very close to his mother.

.Finding his “Real” birth order takes a little detective work. With a brother 7yrs older
Charles was second born but raised as an only child. This would make him a two/only
Double birth order. With the birth of his sister he became a 2/1 Double birth order as he
was then the oldest in this second family. His sister was three years younger. After she
left to live with relatives he was back to being a two/only for the rest of his formative
years. The two/only birth order wants to be in total control of his life and doesn’t want
anyone to tell him what to do. He will not give up easily and as a two/only he has a sense
that he is a Prince and is not subject to the rules. This is probably the reason that his
conduct has been under investigation for over two years. This ordeal is not easy for him
for this birth order does like others seeing the personal side of their life. Time will give
us the final answer but you can count on him to not go quietly.

To find out more about Double Birth Orders get my book Life's Fingerprint: How Birth
Order Affects Your Path Throughout Life by Dr. Robert V.V. Hurst or visit my website

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